Call for Abstract

2nd International Conference on Pediatric Dermatology, will be organized around the theme “2nd International Conference on Pediatric Dermatology”

Pediatric Dermatology 2017 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Pediatric Dermatology 2017

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Atopic Dermatitis is chronic skin diseases which differentiate from mild to severe. It generally begins from two to six months of age with dry, sensible skin that becomes inflamed and itchy.

The track includes Eczema associated with osteoporosis and fractures, Drug delivery process, Role of Vitamin D in skin infection, Atopic dermatitis and food allergy, focalization of atopic dermatitis, Atopic dermatitis: evaluation and Treatment and Management of pediatric atopic dermatitis.

The recent subjects in the field of Pediatric  Dermatology which includes New forms of contact dermatitis in children, fibrocystic disease of pancreas and aquagenic wrinkling of the palms, Systemic Beta-Blockade for infantile hemangiomas, Universal Acquired abnormal deposits of melaninin skin  for paediatrics (Black carbon baby), Griscelli syndrome (silvery hair syndrome), Systemic therapies for Psoriasis, PCOS- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in children, Pediatric Psoriasis: pathologic process and Relation to immune response, Pediatric Psoriasis: Clinical characteristics and Diagnosis and Treatments.

Intermediacies are a large pool of inherited single gene disorder with skin manifestations. It includes Diagnosis and treatment of Netherton’s syndrome, New forms of EB (Epidermolysis), Designation  and directions of Acrodermatitis enteropathica, Diagnosis and treatment of inherited disorders, Genetic abnormality leading to genodermatosis and Epidemiology of genodermatosis.

Acne rosacea is a skin condition characterized by red eruptions undecomposable pimples, especially on the face. This section deals with the types of acne diseases with their medications. The track includes Neonatal and infantile acne, Acne vulgaris, Perioral dermatitis and organic compound, Acne fulminans and Acne management with antibiotics.

Warts are small derma growth caused by human papillomavirus. There are more than 60 types of HPV, some of which causes derma unearthliness. Vitiligo is a condition in which pigment is lost from the skin leaving white patches. The track includes various types of warts with their managements and evaluations, HPV: Prevention, identification and Treatment, Diphenylcyclopropenone immune system therapy for the management of warts, Diagnosis and treatment of vitiligo, Clinical patterns of vitiligo and Epidemiology of vitiligo.

Microorganisms are living unicellular organisms which can be seen under microscope. Many skin infections are caused by bacteria having access to the host body. This section deals with the skin infections caused by bacteria and their possible medications. The track having information about severity of MRSA infections, Diagnosis and management of MRSA infections, Clinical patterns of bacterial children infectious disorders, Impetigo: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment and Omphalitis: Pathophysiology & Treatment.

Majorly fungal spores are exists in the air or in soil. The infection usually begins on the skin. Fungal infections are rarely unfavourable, until the immunity is less by the usage of drug or any disorder. The track includes rising fungal infections in children, Thrush and yeast infection, Ringworm infections: evaluation & Treatment, Clinical features and diagnosis of pediatric sporotrichosis, Clinical patterns of fungal children’s infections and Fungal skin infections: Symptoms, Diagnosis & managements.

Virus is a minute infection which replicates only inside the host body and causes infections. It can infect almost every type of living forms. This track deals with the diagnosis and management of the Viral Skin Infections.  It includes Pediatric Molluscum contagiosum, Measles: indications, Diagnosis & Treatment, Rubella in children, children’s  Enteroviral Infections: Diagnosis & Treatment, Herpes.

Treating skin diseases with therapeutic agents includes the information related to the usage of therapeutic agents for the management of skin infections. This session having information about antibiotics and related toxicity, Antiseptics, Antifungals, Biopharmaceutical drugs and Traditional drugs: Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics.

These sub tracks gives the information about the immunity of the host to the skin infection and the track includes Immunopathology, chemical process of innate immune evasion by foreign invaders, Macrophages and Dendritic cells response to infectious diseases, Immune system recognition of infection related agents and process of autoimmune diseases.

Microbial Resistance over again derma Infections deals with the mechanisms developed by microorganisms to gain resistance against the drugs which are being used for the management of skin related infections. The track includes Multi Drug Resistant morbifics, Resistance of Microbes, Bacteria gaining resistance against drugs, Development and spread of resistance for the drugs used for microbial & viral diseases and Antibiotic resistance.

Children’s Melanoma is a type of derma cancer that starts in the melanocytes which are present in the epidermis (the outermost layer of the skin). This track is about the Diagnosis and Treatment of melanoma and its various types. The track includes Types of skin cancer, Epidemiology, Causes and risk factors, Screening and prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Management.